Monday, February 4, 2008

RSS...What is it?

I'm on a roll today learning so many new things! I have moved from Social Bookmarking to exploring RSS Feeds. Wow, what a neat concept! I hope to be able to set up a bloglines and begin subscribing to all of the sites I enjoy without a hitch! I am that Digital Immigrant trying to get closer to my Digital Natives at school! :)

Here is a great article that gives some basics about RSS Feeds.
Web 2.0 Article (RSS):
Richardson, Will (May 15, 2005). “The ABCs of RSS.” Techlearning,

Richardson’s article about RSS Feeds gave the reader a feeling of what RSS feeds are all about and how they work. He spells out the basics. The article discussed the main purpose of what RSS feeds offer the average teacher and how they can be used to better sort through new information on the web. The biggest thing the article pointed out was that RSS feeds give the Internet user a way to sift through new information from more than 30 websites without visiting all of those sites. Instead of going to those 30 sites for the new information, the new information comes directly to the Internet user through 1 site. The article continued by giving the basics on how to start a bloglines aggregator account and what steps are necessary to begin getting RSS feeds. The article closed by explaining how to find feeds and add them to your bloglines account.
This article would be a beneficial read for a person who is just learning about RSS feeds. I guess that’s why I enjoyed it so much. It gave a simple explanation of RSS feeds as well as broke down how to get started and find feeds to subscribe to.

My Thoughts on RSS:
RSS seems to be a very powerful tool that helps the public acquire information faster. It saves the time of visiting multiple sites for information and only reports the new things directly to the reader. I think this is a very interesting concept, which will save me a lot of time visiting multiple places to see what is new. Although it might take me a while to adapt and get used to using RSS, I think I could become quite comfortable with the idea.

Again, CommonCraft has another great video on RSS Feeds. Check it out!


Mandy said...

I'm very excited about RSS... My best friend took the Internet class over the summer and got "hooked" on RSS. I've spent two semesters in the "dark" not understanding what these Bloglines are that the kept reading. I'm pretty excited that I'm in the new group.
However, I get a little excited about it and subscribe to way too much. Then my super organized self gets really overwhelmed. But I think I can get it under control. Hope you enjoy it!

David Bones said...

Thanks, Annette, for your posting on RSS Feeds. I am hooked now too and appreciate the additional info in your blog!