Sunday, March 9, 2008

My Growing Area of Interest

Hi and welcome to my blog. This blog was created to share classroom ideas and technology tips prior to this entry. Beginning today, I am transforming my blog just a bit to focus more on my specific growing area of interest: the use of digital media presentations (PowerPoints, iMovies, Voice Threads, etc.) in the classroom and how it effects student achievement.

Okay, there isn't much difference, but I wanted to create a new introduction because currently I am beginning a new online course that has asked me to focus specifically on an educational technology area I am wanting to learn more about. Therefore, here we are! I hope you enjoy my blog, and I hope it offers resources for you to use. Please feel free to share and post your thoughts or resources back.


1 comment:

Sabrina said...

Hey Annette!

Sounds like you are off to a great start on a fun topic! I have found the media you mentioned to be very engaging to my students, but never ventured as far as trying to decide if it was definitely making a positive impact on their achievement. I just finished a course on teacher research/guided inquiry and I was thinking what a great inquiry that would make! :-) Do you have United Streaming? It is a great resource that I use in my classroom. I think they might have a free trial. Here's the URL:
I look forward to reading more!
Sabrina :-)